Relaxed Sunday

We made it to church yesterday! Yay! Though we were a lot late… That was frustrating. We didn’t get the laundry into the dryer until around 7:30 (church starts at 9, we’d washed it the night before but forgot to get it in the dryer, and some of our essentials were in there), and then since it was mostly towels it took extra long to dry and we didn’t realize this until we went to get everyone dressed at 8:40… We wait till the last possible moment to get the boys dressed so the chance that they dirty their clothes is as slim as possible. It’s a 15 minute drive to church, maybe 20… Oh well. I had a really good time.

I made the good decision of leaving the car seat in the car and wearing Joey. It was nice not to lug around that clumsy seat. I love my ring sling/wrap, my favorite is the wrap even though I have a pouch and a backpack style front carrier, so, yeah. But I really like wearing Joey and having my hands free while he feels snuggled and held. Daddy likes to wear him too.

I took him to class, then he got hungry so I went to the mothers lounge, and as I fed him he filled his pants. Unfortunately I’d left the diaper bag in the car too, and had to go get it, and I had to change him during Relief Society, so I didn’t catch much of church, but at least we were there.

Hmm, that reminds me, pictures from the dance, you can see some of us with the slings. I haven’t got around to processing the rest of them, there’s a lot, haha!

Daddy’s had a hair cut since then.

The boys have been chilling out. So that’s nice. Just hoping we have a great week this week.

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