Getting ready. :)

No baby yet, LOL! Two days until I'm full term and can let this happen. Lastnight was a good one, my friend Amanda is down here for Christmas. I know her from my last ward down in Friendswood before we moved up into Houston. Her husband David joined the Army and they moved up to Fort Worth, and he's currently almost two months into his 15 month deployment in Iraq. So she is down here visiting her parents for Christmas and New Years. We don't get to visit with her nearly enough, so it's so fun to see her! She and I went to Olive Garden (Yumm! I got the Eggplant Parmesan, tasty, but no labor, oh well, haha!) and then we went shopping, to wonderful and exotic Target, hehehe!…
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I have a headache today.

I'm just hoping it's not blood pressure related... I've had a pretty rough head cold for the last couple weeks, so maybe it's my sinuses. BUT it gets worse whenever I start stressing out. I'm working on my list of necessities before the baby comes. This includes washing things, sterilizing other things, getting last minute stuff (only one or two small things at this point), and packing all of the appropriate bags, one for me at the hospital, and one for the boys as they'll be camping out at a friends unless Joey can wait till Grandma Rawlings (my Mom) comes on the 8th. If anyone is interested in getting us something we need for baby Joey here's our registry, it's just my personal list of things I'd like to…
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My trip to the Labor and Delivery ward today…

Baby Joey, Pregnancy
For the record, I'm 36 weeks 2 days, so technically 5 days until this baby isn't a "preemie," and about 26 days until my due date. So I went to my regular OB appointment today... My blood pressure was 156/94, that's BAD. I'm spilling protein, another bad... Not having any other signs of pre-eclampsia/toxemia though, no liver pain, no headaches or major vision problems out of the ordinary. They took my blood pressure again, it was still high at 142/92. So they sent me over to the hospital. I'm still 2 CM dilated, and 30% effaced, and I'm at -3 station, I was 2 cm dilated 30% effaced and -1 station last week. Baby is in the best position to be born though. I was not surprised that my BP…
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First December Update

Baby Joey, Pregnancy
So far, not a lot of news.  Almost two weeks ago I had an ultrasound to see how big Joey is, he was approximately 5 lb. 10 oz..  That's the 63rd percentile for 34 weeks, which was how far along I was two weeks ago.  This means that if he was born right now we wouldn't have to worry about him gaining weight before coming home, we'd "just" need to concentrate on his ability to breath on his own, keep warm, and to make sure he can eat well, since 5 pounds is a goal birth weight, and 4 pounds is the minimum at most hospitals to bring a baby home. Babies are supposed to gain roughly a half a pound a week at this point in pregnancy until birth. …
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