I’m feeling frustrated.
With my photography. I took a wedding in early June, worked my heart out on it and don't even really feel like I did that well on it. Other than that, and snapping my family, I haven't done any real photography since little more than halfway through my pregnancy with Joey. I don't know what's wrong with me. And of course my wanderings keep bumping me into wonderful inspiring photographers, and I feel so little and insignificant. Of course I've spent some time getting used to my new camera and had a few flubs there at the beginning, and that shot my confidence, so I need to just get out there again. I need a few pick me-up sessions, anyone willing to have pity on me?
How big is that camera?
Funny boy. Today Michael made a camera out of his MEGA blocks. Here it is. Big no? Any normal kid would maybe use one of those blocks, but not MY kid! Hahaha, funny boy.
If you read my polls…
That's right. I'm getting into Twilight. I'm currently where Bella and Edward have come back from the clearing in the forest. I hope that doesn't give anything away. Though I'm sure I'm the last one, and either you don't and won't care, or you know exactly what I'm talking about... Kevin's driving the Deaf Branch members to church from our ward today, so the rest of us are stuck at home, so I'm working on some more spiritual activities for the boys, and I think we'll do some more structured lessons and crafts than usual. We already plan on making cookies and a few other yummy foods. Sorry Daddy, we'll save you some cookie dough. And WHY am I on West Coast time??? Things have been a little weird around…
Evening Moon
Here's a couple pictures of the Moon from tonight. 8:15 PM 9:30 PM
Which is your favorite?
OK, I let Kevin try and get some good shots of me lastnight. It's really hard for me to let go of that control so it gets a bit tense... Thanks Kevin for being patient with me. We need to take another good chance to get some portraits of each of us in better circumstances and lights. Anyways, which is your favorite? A B C D
Pay it Forward
I won a Pay it Forward prize from my friend Brittany's blog. My "something" will be a framed print of one of my images. This is how it works. I am going to send something to the first 3 people who comment on this post. Then those 3 people promise to send something to the first 3 people who comment on their posts and so on and so on. The something can be anything you made, bought, found or were given. Something you would like to receive. If you want to join the fun...PLEASE leave a comment and then post about the giveaway on your blog. Then send something to the first 3 who sign up. Who Wants To Play??? (Please make sure that I have a way to get…
Baby Doctor Appointments
How could I forget to document them??? Friday afternoon we took Aiden and Joey for their regular appointments. Let's see, Joey is 26 inches, and over 17 pounds. 50% in both height and weight, which is kinda small for our boys at this stage, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with him needing more solids than he's getting, so I'm trying to amp that up. We got the OK for all foods accept Honey (which is a "no brainer" in the 21st century). He's healthy all around. He got 6 shots, three in each thigh, so that night and Saturday morning were pretty rough, but he's back to normal now. Aiden is 39 1/2 inches and 40 pounds, I remember Michael being exactly that after one of…