My turn with Nifty #2

Baby Joey, Games, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures, Vacation
I'm on a Canon photography forum where we have a special lens that's being passed around the world from member to member.  After more than two years on the waiting list "he" arrived HERE Friday! It's a Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II (on Amazon), they retail for about $80 (which is really cheap for a good lens).  It's called the Nifty Fifty or just Nifty because it's amazing sharp focus and soft bokeh (the out of focus blurry areas in the background and foreground) and is a tiny little things as lenses go.  It 's a good travel lens because it's compact and out of the way and inconspicuous to the unassuming average eye.  I have one and it's been my buddy and was my first SLR lens, even before…
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The most handsomest boy who wears glasses!

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Me, Michael, Pictures
Michael boy just got glasses yesterday.  Here's the story in pictures. Contemplating this new milestone on the way to pick them up. Putting them on for the first time with prescription lenses. Help adjusting them. First impression of having glasses (sadly, I don't think it got much better). Aiden, he kept whining "I wants glasses!  Where's my glasses?" Getting a little warmed up, but mostly making faces about it. Trying on the other pair. Hmm, Brown, for the last three years brown has been Michael's favorite color, only last Friday, the day we went to the optometrist and ordered his glasses, he switched to blue. Joey just along for the ride. Aiden's new glasses.  Yes, I caved, but given Michael's mood, I needed SOMEBODY to be excited about glasses.  And…
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We had a good weekend. Simple, quiet, nice. Excuse the way over processed dark look to these, I had a little too much fun.  I need to soften them up a bit so that it portrays the real mood, but here they are anyways... A little late night Daddy and Babes cuddle.
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Adorable Stray Cats Need a Home

Adoption, Animals, Cats, Family Fun, Grief and Loss, Humor, Life in Texas, Me, Pictures, Pregnancy, The end is near, To new beginnings
They have a home!  Someone's coming to get them! OK, these are some of the adorable cats that hang around my neighborhood, they can't stay long because well, we're in apartments and it's not the safest environment for them and I think there are legal issues... So these little guys are free to anyone willing to catch them, take them to the vet, and care for them. This is a Mama, probably not more than a year old, and her final kitten left from what we believe is her first litter, born earlier this summer, 6-8 weeks old.  I don't know where the other two kittens are, hopefully people were able to take them in rather than having them found by predators or hit by cars.  The girls downstairs have…
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Blogging Pet Peeve

OK, I love blogging and blogs for tons of reasons, keeping in touch, getting essential life updates, PICTURES, knowing family members I wouldn't know anything about otherwise, getting to know what makes people tick. BUT, there is something that bugs for me. Music.  First off, please nobody take offense, I realize that this is mostly my problem. OK, my blog checking style consists of a bunch of bookmarks, 138 bookmarks....  I have a bookmarks folder with ALL the blogs I periodically check.  This folder has a few sub folders, family, IRL friends, Online friends, and Interesting Stranger blogs, (mostly stuff like comic blogs, cooking blogs, and photo blogs).  Each section gets sub folders as they got to big to "Open All in Tabs," like "Old Friends, Ward Friends, Move Aways,…
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