Hurricane Edouard

Family Fun, Life in Texas, The end is near
Sounds like someone got sick in the middle of Edward...  Where do they come up with these names anywho??? So, there's a hurricane heading our direction tomorrow morning, but it'll probably make landfall east of us and not affect us too much.  Maybe that's why I got the stocking up bug...  I do need to work on water though. ETA, Here's the projected path, so it looks like it's headed straight at us (the first inlet in Texas is pretty close to Houston), but it should be pretty weak by the time it gets here, hopefully... Edited again at 8:30 PM, we're ready, it looks like it's going to hit us more directly tomorrow night. We've got food, water, lights (batteries for flashlights and candles), a grill, frozen ice packs,…
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A Legacy Among Women

Adoption, Baby Joey, Church, Grief and Loss, The end is near
I know this wonderful woman, she's kind, and loving and always interested in everyone in the best way, I've never heard an utter of gossip from her.  She's never hesitates to call out to you as you pass her and give kind words, or stop as she drives by your home to chat for a little bit.  She usually has a stunning smile or a compassionate hug.  I can't begin to give this daughter of our Heavenly Father the credit she deserves.  She's a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother, and not just to those in her family tree. This woman is Sister Harrison.  She lives in the ward that my parents and in-laws share and is a wonderful friend to both my Mother and Mother-in-law.…
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Ghost Town

Blog Changes, The end is near
It's a ghost town around here. Has the whole blogging world gone to sleep? Maybe it's the beginning of the demise of this whole blogging trend, maybe soon only serious bloggers will be left behind. ;) I've noticed MANY, many friends who used to blog daily now only blogging weekly, and many other who used to be weekly bloggers, who I haven't seen a new post from in a while. It's kinda funny, I guess we all find our own rhythm. It's nice to be able to be relaxed about this. Soon to come... Michael's Kindergarten Graduation, and our Holiday weekend.
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The Final Trimester

Aiden, Baby Joey, Michael, The end is near
Jo Jo just turned three months! They've gone by fast, and I don't think they've been "that bad." In fact, in many ways I feel that Motherhood has been easier since he arrived than ever before. I don't know if it's the sweet spirit that he's brought into our home, if I'm more stable or mature, if it's such a relief to not be pregnant that things seem extremely easy, or if it's just that I've resigned to the chaos. It's probably a happy combination of the four. Happiest Baby On The Block suggests that we look at a babies first three months as the 4th trimester. These are the hardest months for a new person as they're still not ready for life outside of the womb in many ways,…
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More of the, not so, same, and FINALLY some haircuts.

Pictures, The end is near
Guess where I went lastnight? I bet you'll get it the first try... L&D, AGAIN... And once again I got sent home with empty arms... I'm not sure who to be upset with, my body for not following through after all of this, Little Bear (as I've started calling Joey, wonder if it'll stick) for not insisting it's time to get out, or the doctors for not doing SOMETHING. I'm getting pretty scared that Joey will get big like Michael, and that I'll be forced to give birth to a LARGE baby again. That wouldn't be the worst thing ever, but considering that Michael's birth experience at 9 pounds 10.5 ounces was a nightmare, especially compared to Aiden's Breeze of a labor weighing in at 7 pounds 9 ounces. I'm…
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The beginning of another day.

The end is near
Here we go into another day. I've tried everything I'm willing to try to get this baby born accept Castor Oil. I'm thinking for lunch though that I may go back to Olive Garden and have the Eggplant Parmesan again in hopes that it would start something. Otherwise I'm feeling pretty defeated about it and my body is VERY tired. Maybe what I really need to do is spend a day trying to get re-energized, so that I can handle labor with a fresh face. Do you think that'd work??? I hope something does, like now... We're getting down to the point that if he doesn't come NOW that my Mom won't be able to help much after he comes, and that's really frustrating cause she and my family all…
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