Halloween Costumes

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family, Family Fun, Games, Health Concerns, Holidays, Humor, Kevin, Kevin and I, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Move to Utah, Pictures, The end is near
In the spirit of blogging, and since I'm so picture obsessed, it's only fair, regardless of other circumstances, to share some Halloween snapshots.  Friday was the day we made our final decisions on the job and move, so it was a BIG day in many ways! We went to the ward "Trunk-or-treat," and had a great time. Michael was our "Soccer 'ball' Player"  I got the outfit at the AF DI, on our trip last month, and hoped he'd latch onto the "basketball player" idea, he didn't, after three weeks of 5 different ideas a week, we went to Traders Village, and ran across some soccer balls, he decided he wanted to be a "Soccer 'ball' Player" (the "ball" addition all his own), but when it came down to time…
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Utah Trip Update

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family Fun, Health Concerns, Kevin, Kevin and I, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures, Vacation
So, in case that didn't make any sense, I had 5 teeth majority worked on here. Two root canals, and a tooth pulled on Wednesday with a bone graft for a future implant. On Thursday I went back for two more root canals, but once they'd cleared the decay, we realized there wasn't enough left the save the teeth. So those two were pulled as well and I got bone grafts there too. So yeah. I'm in less pain now than before, but still plenty of pain. So, on Tuesday we flew in. We got in at noon and ran to temple square and to get some supplies for my family. By 4 we picked up Nate. That was wonderful! Everyone was filled with joy and excitement to all be…
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Michael’s Quote of the Day, and Nudity in Public.

Aiden, Family Fun, Humor, Me, Memories, Michael
"Pink is for Girls.  Boys aren't supposed to eat pink."  As he wolfs down his pink strawberry cream cheese covered bagel. So I ask him, "If someone had a birthday and had pink cupcakes, wouldn't you eat it?" "Nobody has pink cupcakes!" Oh, and as I checked out at the grocery store this morning, Aiden jumped out of the cart and decided to "Go Potty."  Ugh!  So I struggled to put my card back in my wallet and grab my groceries quickly, to try to catch him in the bathroom, but I was too slow.  Before I could do anything Aiden ran, parading about, out of the bathroom in nothing but his t-shirt!  "I GO POTTY!!!!!"  "Um, yay, go back in the bathroom!" Oh, the joys of mothering boys.
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Digi Scrapping

Aiden, Baby Joey, Digi Scrapping, Family, Family Fun, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures
Time to blog about something else... Wow, did you know that there's a whole 'nother adiciting digital obsession out there?  I did but I've been advoiding it until now. These are freebie templates associated with kits you can buy and use.  Found on Scrap Matters. Template from "Say it with Bling," credit to WM Squared Designs. Template from "say it with Bling," credit to Jeni Hopewell Designs. Template fron ""Go Fly A Kite" by digi Keepsakes working with Len Escobar.
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Still Sinking In

Aiden, Grief and Loss, Health Concerns, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, To new beginnings
I don't think people realize how much this storm has effected this community.  I'm grateful there are not more deaths, but it will take us a while to recover from all of this.  There's a very somber mood about. People are panicking as they run out of supplies that they hadn't thought of.  I've seen a lot of alcohol, which isn't normal to me. We need to boil water for a while, but have enough water pressure to do dishes and laundry again.  We still have a bit of bottled water though we are starting to ration the boys on that. We're still "stuck at home" and Michael and Kevin are off the school and work hook tomorrow, well unless Kevin needs to run a short update. We feel so…
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Our Ike Experience

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family, Grief and Loss, Kevin, Kevin and I, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, The end is near, To new beginnings
Hand written at 7 this morning~ At 10:30 we lost power lastnight, it came back on but our cable and internet never came back.  At about 11:45 we lost power for the night.  It would flicker on for a few seconds, but ultimately continuously lost power.  Kevin and I finally made it to bed at about 1, and didn't get to sleep because of the noise for a while longer, well and Joey was busy kicking each of us, but in that noise I couldn't just leave him in the other room... Around 3:30 AM the wind REALLY picked up and Kevin had another coughing fit.  He and I both got up to explore what's going on.  We managed to accidentally wake the boys, decided to move them into the…
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…everything’s going to be fine, fine, fine…

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family, Kevin and I, Life in Texas, Me, Michael
In all MY panic, I forgot to mention that we've prayed about it and we feel good and safe about staying.  Things are a bit crazy, but overall we feel like things will turn out just fine. It's funny cause as I was at the store I was listening to my iPod, and the song by Alanis Morissette came on, "Hand In My Pocket"  And it says "What it all comes down to, is everything's going to be fine, fine, fine."  And I feel peace that it will be. :) For those who might not know exactly where Houston is in this giant state.  Here's a map.  It looks like we're really going to be getting a direct hit.
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A little bit of Panic

Aiden, Baby Joey, Bella and Edward, Family, Family Fun, Humor, Kevin, Kevin and I, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures, The end is near, Twilight
The area that we used to live in, just twenty something miles away was evacuated this morning, but we've been told to "shelter in place," so unless there's some other mandate, we're sticking around.  When Allison was here 7 years ago our home was safe (we know the woman who lived here at the time) so that's somewhat comforting. Little Aiden is sick with a head cold.  He's not doing to well with that, I don't want to consider cramming him (and the rest of us) in the car for a long evacuation.  So gratefully we're hopefully not doing that. We were already well stocked and ready, but I went to the grocery store this morning to pick up just a few more things, a long burning fire log, another…
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