Another Recipe

Baby Joey, Church, Family Fun, Life in Texas, recipes
We had the Elders over for dinner tonight, I always look forward to our turns to feed them.  We had to bow out last time as our water got turned off for community repairs, so I jumped at this next opportunity to feed them. Sweet and Sour Meatballs 1-28oz. bag meatballs average size can crushed pineapple with juice 3/4 cups apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup grape jelly 3/4 cups salsa (we used pace picante) squirt of ketchup up to 1 cup cornstarch slurry (half and half water and cornstarch mixed up) Mix up everything but meatballs and slurry add meatballs and coat with sauce cook in slow cooker for 6-8 hours on low, or 3-4 on high just before done taste and add vinegar, ketchup or brown sugar as desired…
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My turn with Nifty #2

Baby Joey, Games, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures, Vacation
I'm on a Canon photography forum where we have a special lens that's being passed around the world from member to member.  After more than two years on the waiting list "he" arrived HERE Friday! It's a Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II (on Amazon), they retail for about $80 (which is really cheap for a good lens).  It's called the Nifty Fifty or just Nifty because it's amazing sharp focus and soft bokeh (the out of focus blurry areas in the background and foreground) and is a tiny little things as lenses go.  It 's a good travel lens because it's compact and out of the way and inconspicuous to the unassuming average eye.  I have one and it's been my buddy and was my first SLR lens, even before…
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The most handsomest boy who wears glasses!

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Me, Michael, Pictures
Michael boy just got glasses yesterday.  Here's the story in pictures. Contemplating this new milestone on the way to pick them up. Putting them on for the first time with prescription lenses. Help adjusting them. First impression of having glasses (sadly, I don't think it got much better). Aiden, he kept whining "I wants glasses!  Where's my glasses?" Getting a little warmed up, but mostly making faces about it. Trying on the other pair. Hmm, Brown, for the last three years brown has been Michael's favorite color, only last Friday, the day we went to the optometrist and ordered his glasses, he switched to blue. Joey just along for the ride. Aiden's new glasses.  Yes, I caved, but given Michael's mood, I needed SOMEBODY to be excited about glasses.  And…
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Baby Doctor Appointments

Aiden, Allergies, Baby Joey, Solids
How could I forget to document them??? Friday afternoon we took Aiden and Joey for their regular appointments. Let's see, Joey is 26 inches, and over 17 pounds.  50% in both height and weight, which is kinda small for our boys at this stage, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with him needing more solids than he's getting, so I'm trying to amp that up. We got the OK for all foods accept Honey (which is a "no brainer" in the 21st century).  He's healthy all around.  He got 6 shots, three in each thigh, so that night and Saturday morning were pretty rough, but he's back to normal now. Aiden is 39 1/2 inches and 40 pounds, I remember Michael being exactly that after one of…
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Finally Last Sunday’s “Session”

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Humor, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures
Rather play date, LOL!  The boys were having fun, and I was having fun.  Win/Win. :) This was a week and a half ago. We set up the boys indoor play tent and they quickly filled it with a toy stash and some left over boxes and set to work having fun, while I pulled out my camera and snapped some shots.  Even Joey got in on the fun towards the end. Silly Boys. Mom!  Watch this!!! A Mommy favorite. Another Mommy favorite. Nobody is silly here!! Joey getting in on the big boy fun. Hey!  What's this about??? Anything for you big brother. Baby toes.  Awww! I just love the back of his little head. Baby Kisses!!! Buddies and Brothers.
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Another IKEA Saturday.

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Humor, Kevin, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures, Venting
Daddy Smiling as we're finally out on our way.  Mom was super slow getting ready to go, and so we left about 3 hours later than he would have liked. We went to a fun little BBQ place and enjoyed a quiet lunch. We got to IKEA and dropped Michael off at Smalland, and headed on our way enjoying the whole showroom floor at a snails pace. A pretty dish set with lots of colorful creamy Bokeh. A head board I like a lot, thought I think Kevin has had his share of iron beds and our next one will be wooden, or if it's the right fabric, upholstered. We timed it just right to be done with the top floor just as it was time to pick up Michael.   …
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Photography Stuff

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Me, Michael, Pictures, Venting
My favorite lens died. :(  I'm so sad.  I don't know if it's cheaper to have it fixed or replaced, and if I get it fixed, who says it'll stay fixed.  It's the auto focus mechanism that's out, and maybe those parts are like transmissions, and once they're gone they tend to be a money pit until you replace the whole thing...  So I'm looking for a new lens. But, playing around I got these two and edited one of Joey's to sorta match. What'aya think?  Should I get them printed?
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The BIG news!

Baby Joey, Pictures
OK, big to me!. . . . Joey is sitting up!!! Joey fell over trying to watch Michael instead of worrying about sitting up, LOL!  I waited so I could get a chance to do a little photo shoot and show you all his delicious chubs.  His hair is getting lighter and blonder.  It'll probably only be a week or two until I announce he's crawling too.  He's really moving now.  It's funny cause he's trying to figure out how to roll from his belly into sitting up, it's rather cute.  Though I may be bias, since he's mine and all.  :)
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Finally, Lake Texana Pictures

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Humor, Kevin, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures, Vacation
I've finally gone through them and got them ready!  Yay!  I had them ready since Thursday (so if you've seen these on facebook, sorry for the repeat), but was waiting on Kevin to have some free time he was willing to donate to my cause since I keep forgetting how to publish photo's by myself, maybe I should have Kevin write me a tutorial, LOL! There are three separate sets, the ones I took, the ones Kevin took, and the ones Michael took.  Here's our Lake Texana Trip.  (for some reason Firefox is being a beast, so if the last link doesn't work, please try the individual links) Oh, and I also got up the photo's from Joey's blessing back in March.  I've had them up for a while but…
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A Legacy Among Women

Adoption, Baby Joey, Church, Grief and Loss, The end is near
I know this wonderful woman, she's kind, and loving and always interested in everyone in the best way, I've never heard an utter of gossip from her.  She's never hesitates to call out to you as you pass her and give kind words, or stop as she drives by your home to chat for a little bit.  She usually has a stunning smile or a compassionate hug.  I can't begin to give this daughter of our Heavenly Father the credit she deserves.  She's a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother, and not just to those in her family tree. This woman is Sister Harrison.  She lives in the ward that my parents and in-laws share and is a wonderful friend to both my Mother and Mother-in-law.…
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