Another Recipe

Baby Joey, Church, Family Fun, Life in Texas, recipes
We had the Elders over for dinner tonight, I always look forward to our turns to feed them.  We had to bow out last time as our water got turned off for community repairs, so I jumped at this next opportunity to feed them. Sweet and Sour Meatballs 1-28oz. bag meatballs average size can crushed pineapple with juice 3/4 cups apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup grape jelly 3/4 cups salsa (we used pace picante) squirt of ketchup up to 1 cup cornstarch slurry (half and half water and cornstarch mixed up) Mix up everything but meatballs and slurry add meatballs and coat with sauce cook in slow cooker for 6-8 hours on low, or 3-4 on high just before done taste and add vinegar, ketchup or brown sugar as desired…
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My turn with Nifty #2

Baby Joey, Games, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures, Vacation
I'm on a Canon photography forum where we have a special lens that's being passed around the world from member to member.  After more than two years on the waiting list "he" arrived HERE Friday! It's a Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II (on Amazon), they retail for about $80 (which is really cheap for a good lens).  It's called the Nifty Fifty or just Nifty because it's amazing sharp focus and soft bokeh (the out of focus blurry areas in the background and foreground) and is a tiny little things as lenses go.  It 's a good travel lens because it's compact and out of the way and inconspicuous to the unassuming average eye.  I have one and it's been my buddy and was my first SLR lens, even before…
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Adorable Stray Cats Need a Home

Adoption, Animals, Cats, Family Fun, Grief and Loss, Humor, Life in Texas, Me, Pictures, Pregnancy, The end is near, To new beginnings
They have a home!  Someone's coming to get them! OK, these are some of the adorable cats that hang around my neighborhood, they can't stay long because well, we're in apartments and it's not the safest environment for them and I think there are legal issues... So these little guys are free to anyone willing to catch them, take them to the vet, and care for them. This is a Mama, probably not more than a year old, and her final kitten left from what we believe is her first litter, born earlier this summer, 6-8 weeks old.  I don't know where the other two kittens are, hopefully people were able to take them in rather than having them found by predators or hit by cars.  The girls downstairs have…
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If you read my polls…

Bella and Edward, Blog Changes, Church, Family Fun, Kevin, Life in Texas, Me, Polls, Twilight
That's right.  I'm getting into Twilight. I'm currently where Bella and Edward have come back from the clearing in the forest.  I hope that doesn't give anything away.  Though I'm sure I'm the last one, and either you don't and won't care, or you know exactly what I'm talking about... Kevin's driving the Deaf Branch members to church from our ward today, so the rest of us are stuck at home, so I'm working on some more spiritual activities for the boys, and I think we'll do some more structured lessons and crafts than usual.  We already plan on making cookies and a few other yummy foods.  Sorry Daddy, we'll save you some cookie dough. And WHY am I on West Coast time???  Things have been a little weird around…
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Edouard Pics

Aiden, Family Fun, Kevin, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Pictures
These are some pics that Kevin snapped of me. This is how wet I got in about 1 minute in the rain when I went to go move the car to make sure it didn't have the tree fall on it if the storm really picked up. There were not many dry spots on my shirt.  It was totally salt water, my eyes stung so badly!  Me and my Cookie.  He loves rain just like his Mommy. Aiden ran into an open drawer in the kitchen lastnight! I'm so glad it didn't actually get his eye, but I felt so bad. As usual he didn't really care once the initial pain wore off. And one I took of the clouds after the storm.  Not much of an obvious pattern, but…
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Boring Storm

Family Fun, Humor, Life in Texas, Memories
We've had normal old rain storms that were more interesting than this, LOL!  Outside it's breezy, cool, and gray. The beginning of the storm is here, and Kevin's off work, they decided to close up the place today, so since he took yesterday off to have a family day, this is the 4th day of this weekend.  It's nice to have him here.  We got to sleep in too. Sadly it's too overcast to get any pictures of the cloud pattern, I can't really see a pattern.  In the past tropical storms and hurricanes have projected some awesome looking cloud patterns at night, so I was hoping that with this being a daylight tropical storm that I'd be able to get some good ones...  The rain falling off the roof…
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Hurricane Edouard

Family Fun, Life in Texas, The end is near
Sounds like someone got sick in the middle of Edward...  Where do they come up with these names anywho??? So, there's a hurricane heading our direction tomorrow morning, but it'll probably make landfall east of us and not affect us too much.  Maybe that's why I got the stocking up bug...  I do need to work on water though. ETA, Here's the projected path, so it looks like it's headed straight at us (the first inlet in Texas is pretty close to Houston), but it should be pretty weak by the time it gets here, hopefully... Edited again at 8:30 PM, we're ready, it looks like it's going to hit us more directly tomorrow night. We've got food, water, lights (batteries for flashlights and candles), a grill, frozen ice packs,…
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Doctor Doctor!

Family Fun, Life in Texas, Memories, Michael
Michael went to the doctor today for his six year check-up.  It's true, he's growing like mad.  LOL!  He's over 4 feet tall, and more than 6o pounds.  That's 90 and 95+ Percentile.  He also needs glasses.  :(  But he seems excited about it.  He was very relived to find he doesn't need shots, and then sad when he realized that meant we weren't going to go get ice cream.  I'd promised ice cream to help him feel better IF he got shots.  He's all excited to go pick out a pair of glasses that "look like chocolate on vanilla ice cream."  I don't know what that means...  I do know he wants brown glasses though, fine with me.  :) Afterwords we went to an organic foods grocery store which…
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