Why Joseph Merlin??

Baby Joey, Pregnancy, To new beginnings
You may have been surprised at our choice of a middle name for our latest addition. Especially with all of the build up in the last few months with Kevin and I not telling what we've chosen for baby Joey's middle name, and being so open about his first name. Well it all has to do with meaning. Our two older sons have names Kevin and I like, along with middle names after a living family member. Michael Jeffrey was named after Kevin's cousin Jeff, who has always been a good friend to Kevin. Oh, the stories Kevin has told about spending time with him. Aiden Nathaniel, was named after my brother Nathan or Nate, who I grew pretty close to after I got married and moved away. He was…
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Joseph’s Birth Story

Baby Joey, Pregnancy, To new beginnings
Back in May, actually Mothers Day, two days before I found out I was pregnant, I had this dream, I dreamed that I had a baby (wasn’t expecting to be pregnant) at home because I had a fast labor… And that I was trying to wake Kevin to take me to the hospital, but he wouldn’t wake up. I kept that in mind through my pregnancy, not that my husband would ignore me, but I was so scared of a fast labor and unplanned home birth. I had a LOT of false calls, as late as last Friday night. Sunday night, right before dinner I found myself throwing up without any warning or reason. This can be a sign of labor so instead of being disgusted I was hoping. A…
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He’s here!!!

Baby Joey
We don't have any pictures ready yet, but he's here, he's healthy and I'm doing GREAT! He's absolutely beautiful.  He was born at 7:50 AM this morning after about 4 hours of labor. He has dark reddish blond hair, long fingers and toes, weighs 8 lbs 3 ounces and is 20" long.
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A nice quiet Sunday.

Baby Joey
Aiden had his first day in Primary today, that was nice. I think he's pretty excited to be "Big like Michael."  He carried his lesson bag out of there with so much pride. Each week the kids get a paper sack with a copy of the lesson, that's excellent for FHE, and a little treat. Michael got a new teacher, I thought they might move his old teacher due to the classes high needs and her wonderful ability to work with them, but it looks like his new teacher is an excellent fit too, and like he did pretty well. I had a very hard time sitting through church, 3 hours is just too long for hard chairs and my very pregnant body, but I made it, and I feel…
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More of the, not so, same, and FINALLY some haircuts.

Pictures, The end is near
Guess where I went lastnight? I bet you'll get it the first try... L&D, AGAIN... And once again I got sent home with empty arms... I'm not sure who to be upset with, my body for not following through after all of this, Little Bear (as I've started calling Joey, wonder if it'll stick) for not insisting it's time to get out, or the doctors for not doing SOMETHING. I'm getting pretty scared that Joey will get big like Michael, and that I'll be forced to give birth to a LARGE baby again. That wouldn't be the worst thing ever, but considering that Michael's birth experience at 9 pounds 10.5 ounces was a nightmare, especially compared to Aiden's Breeze of a labor weighing in at 7 pounds 9 ounces. I'm…
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The beginning of another day.

The end is near
Here we go into another day. I've tried everything I'm willing to try to get this baby born accept Castor Oil. I'm thinking for lunch though that I may go back to Olive Garden and have the Eggplant Parmesan again in hopes that it would start something. Otherwise I'm feeling pretty defeated about it and my body is VERY tired. Maybe what I really need to do is spend a day trying to get re-energized, so that I can handle labor with a fresh face. Do you think that'd work??? I hope something does, like now... We're getting down to the point that if he doesn't come NOW that my Mom won't be able to help much after he comes, and that's really frustrating cause she and my family all…
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Another day pregnant, but a good one none the less.

Pictures, Pregnancy
First off, and my BEST part of this day, is that Michael's teacher says he's doing better in class since the Christmas break!!!! Yay!!! Awesome for him!!!! The bad is that he told his teacher that the baby was born though, um nope, hahaha! Grammy Rawlings, Aiden, and I went to the zoo today to try to get some walking going. I think it helped, we'll have to wait and see. My back is certainly screaming at me about it tonight, but it was fun. Grandma is a REALLY good sport for helping with Aiden's tantrums there. We got home and I did kick counts, when baby isn't moving as much as I would like, I am supposed to eat or drink something and lay down counting movements until I'm…
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More latent/false labor.

I went into L&D lastnight, this time I got a real room instead of sitting in triage. I went in having rough contractions every two minutes, with about 30 seconds in between if I was lucky... Of course as soon as I lay down they slowed to 6-8 minutes apart and got a LOT softer... Grrrr! I was then 5cm dilated, back to 30% effaced, and he was up at -4!?!?! station, so way too high. I'm positive that he's lower than that when I'm upright cause he's REALLY messing with my nerves, I keep getting zingers down my legs when he moves, but then when I lay down for an exam he comes back up... So they sent me home again... Ugh. This morning I woke up with a…
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Another appointment.

Baby Joey, Pregnancy
Hopefully the last, I'm 4 cm, 50% effaced, I think around -2 station… No induction date STILL!!!! She says that if I’m still pregnant next week that we’ll probably induce on Wednesday cause she’s on call at the hospital then. She says she thinks I’ll be back before next week though… I’ve been contracting like mad ever since my exam, and I’m going to run some errands today, just to try and keep things going… I was going to go to the zoo cause it's a nice warm day, but now it's raining, still warm though, guess I'll have to see how it is in a little bit. Please pray it happens soon! I'm beginning to go a little loopy. Grandma Rawlings, my Mom, is flying in tonight. Yay!!! We're…
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