12:20 AM

Well he's not going to be born on the 5th, cause it's the 6th now... OH well. I'm not too bummed. though I did have contractions for 7 hours every three minutes, then I sat down and they went to 7 minutes apart, got up to help Kevin make dinner, back to three, and then they went away for a while and are back to about every ten minutes, but not as hard. I'm just scared of doing this at home. I had a dream two days before I found out I was pregnant that I gave birth at home. I thought that was really weird since I wasn't thinking about babies at the time. I hope it doesn't come true... I'm not trusting my body so much these days…
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We’re going to have fun today!

Well it's finally warming up, but it's raining... Irony. It should stop raining about 1 or 2 though according to weather.com. The plan at this moment, once Kevin gets done with his homework this morning, is to go to IKEA and get out some energy, it's warm there, and we can walk quite a bit. Plus at least Michael can play in their play area with other kids for a little while. He hasn't seen a lot of other kids, besides Aiden, for the last three weeks, so it may be good to get him used to it again before he goes back to school on Monday.  Aiden would need to be potty trained and not in pull-ups before he can go there, so not quite yet. Then once we're…
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Not much to say today.

Accept I'm still pregnant. I did the HOT & SPICY Gumbo lastnight for dinner. No luck. I didn't think it was hot enough to do anything though. I went to Famous Dave's BBQ the night before Michael was born (it was Kevin and Mark's birthday dinner) and ordered sausage, and had lemonade to drink. They served these HUGE cups there, so I drank a LOT, and the sausage was VERY hot, hotter than the gumbo lastnight. I also had lemonade too lastnight interestingly enough, not on purpose though, just thought it'd be funner than water or milk (silk for me). So anyway I had Michael the next night, after going into labor hours after eating that. No such luck with the gumbo though. We're having car troubles, with our ONE…
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Dreams, Dreams, Dreams, all these crazy dreams.

Dreams, Pregnancy
I have very vivid dreams anyway, but something about being pregnant makes them even more so. I've spent many nights in my childhood home as an adult, away at "camp" (like the summer camp kids get sent to in the movies), exploring the old Rawlings family farm (my maiden name, and the farm I lived on as a small child, that my uncle ran until about 7 years ago), house shopping, and many more overly detailed strange scenario's, that seem completely real and plausible until hours after I've started my day. I can usually recall most details of these dreams until days later. I keep dreaming of having this baby in my arms, not surprising since I spend most of my days with at least part of my thoughts focusing…
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I’m LESS dilated!

Ahhh! I want to cry! Everything else looks perfect though. The red flags are all gone. I've been eating and drinking enough, so the problems that caused are gone now, and the pre-e symptoms are gone. It's hard to keep up with the water and food my body needs at this point. I've lost another 3 pounds over the last week. I got some spicy foods and pineapple at the grocery store this morning (remind me not to take the big boys there anymore), and I plan on walking 'till I drop over the next week. To bad Texas decided to get cold this week, I'll have to find somewhere warm to go and walk. I also got some Silk (soy milk) and sherbet, so I can indulge in cereal…
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I spent New Years Eve in the Hospital, and we’re finally full term!

Holidays, Pregnancy
I went in yesterday with headaches, upper abdominal pain, slight blurred vision, and swelling (not more than normal). It turns out I was just dehydrated and wasn't eating enough. Everything is good, and it doesn't look like we'll have an induction tomorrow. That's OK with me, I'm now aiming for the 9th, the day after Grandma arrives, and just giving little Joey more time to cook. We got home lastnight just in time to ring in the new year after re-tucking in the boys, and go to sleep. A far cry from our original plans of making a big fun feast and celebrating with the boys, and going to bed probably around 11:15. They had a great time at John and Pamela's though, Thanks again guys! I'm now full term...…
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Getting ready. :)

No baby yet, LOL! Two days until I'm full term and can let this happen. Lastnight was a good one, my friend Amanda is down here for Christmas. I know her from my last ward down in Friendswood before we moved up into Houston. Her husband David joined the Army and they moved up to Fort Worth, and he's currently almost two months into his 15 month deployment in Iraq. So she is down here visiting her parents for Christmas and New Years. We don't get to visit with her nearly enough, so it's so fun to see her! She and I went to Olive Garden (Yumm! I got the Eggplant Parmesan, tasty, but no labor, oh well, haha!) and then we went shopping, to wonderful and exotic Target, hehehe!…
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I have a headache today.

I'm just hoping it's not blood pressure related... I've had a pretty rough head cold for the last couple weeks, so maybe it's my sinuses. BUT it gets worse whenever I start stressing out. I'm working on my list of necessities before the baby comes. This includes washing things, sterilizing other things, getting last minute stuff (only one or two small things at this point), and packing all of the appropriate bags, one for me at the hospital, and one for the boys as they'll be camping out at a friends unless Joey can wait till Grandma Rawlings (my Mom) comes on the 8th. If anyone is interested in getting us something we need for baby Joey here's our registry, it's just my personal list of things I'd like to…
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