The BIG birthday!

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Kevin and I, Michael, Pictures
My little boy is now 6, and my hubby is now 29!!! Yesterday was a VERY busy day. In the morning I couldn't sleep anymore once 6:30 rolled around, I was so excited for my boys. They didn't share my enthusiasm so much, at least not that early. We dropped off the big boys, and the little boys and I went birthday shopping. We got Michael one of those giant balls that he's had his eye on for some time, a track, like a pine wood derby track but for matchbox/hotwheels, and some clothes. We got home to chill for a little while and then went to pick up the cake and take it to Michael's class. That was a blast! It was so fun to be in his class…
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Michael’s “Texas Cowboy” Birthday Party

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family Fun, Kevin and I, Michael, Pictures
We had Michael's birthday party today. We only invited the kids from his primary class and their families which turned out to be just right. He insisted on a cowboy theme, so that's what we went with. We ended up having six Mama's, just our Dad, and about sixteen kids including our three. Here's a picture of Aiden before the party, longingly looking at the cake, the funny thing is I have one very similar of Michael doing the same with Aiden's 2nd Birthday cake. We had hot dogs, potato salad, macaroni salad, chips, and baked beans. I planned on cutting up fruit but never got to it. Haha! Then we went outside and took a shot at the cowboy hat pinata. Michael has been talking forever about doing a…
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On the Mend, hopefully…

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family Fun, Kevin and I, Michael, Pictures
It's just after Noon, and I'm just finally getting out of bed today. THANK-YOU Kevin, he was able to stay home today... We've been lysoling everything, and I've been doing my best to take care of me while he's been doing his final brushing up for his exam tonight. Lastnight I was able to get that long shower and it helped, By 1 AM I felt like I'd be able to survive again this morning, this morning it was a different story. Aiden just came to me patting his belly, saying "Honkey, tummy, food!" I said, "you're HunGRy?" Aiden~ "Yeah!" Me~ "OK, I can't fix you anything, go ask Dad." Still patting his belly, "I'm Honkey!" Me~ "I know, go ask Dad." Dad already has something cooking for him, LOL!…
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Baking a Cake

Family Fun, Michael, Pictures
We're making practice cakes for Michael's birthday. He wants a Cowboy Cake, I thought no big deal, find a cowboy toy, and stick it on top. The Cowboy Drama~ It's amazing to me how hard it is to find a cowboy toy for a reasonable price, in Texas. We went to three stores looking for one. First we went to Big Lots. They have a bunch of fun little pirates and knights, so why not some cowboys? The only Cowboy they had was 4 inches tall and in a big old old west set. Something like $20. Strike One. Then Target. Looked over the whole toy section 3 or 4 times. I was really hoping for a good Indian in the Cupboard style Cowboy, to no avail. They had a…
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Much better.

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family Fun, Kevin and I, Michael, Pictures
Marissa, my visiting teacher, came over this morning and it was really nice to see her. Pamela moved away this week (Whaaa!!!) I'll miss her so much, but it was fun to see Marissa and her sweet new son (he's even newer than Joey). I worked on my re-designed business cards (BTW getting nowhere with those), and researched Michael's birthday cake and I'm trying to decide if I'm brave enough to do a cake or if it'd be funner to just buy a fun one... When I went and got Michael I decided to go to the zoo again (we went Wednesday with Playgroup), we had a good time, when it came time to go get Kevin he decided to meet us there, so we all got to play at…
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Blessing Vacation

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family Fun, Kevin and I, Michael, Pictures, To new beginnings
This is going to be really long, I told you I'd make up for missing posting... I'll post a link to a gallery with a lot more pictures later. Here's the details of our trip (or everyone else's trip to us), I'm detailing food cause I asked help from some friends and they helped me with menu ideas. Mom Ryan and Jared flew in late Thursday. They were supposed to come about 9, so I kept the kids up. At about 9 my Mom called said they were lost and to send the boys to bed, I got them ready and had to threaten that I wouldn't let them see grandma if they didn't go to bed that instant, and that if they did that they could come out for…
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I’m back!

Family Fun
I missed blogging two days in a row, I'll make up for it later today... That's a first, I was just having so much fun with my company! They just left so I should have more free time soon, we had SUCH a good time. It left me wishing we could do it a whole lot more! I can't think of one thing that went stressfully wrong the whole time. Yay!
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