The Primary Program

Aiden, Church, Michael
Aiden was the second part in the program, I think that was smart considering he's either the youngest or next to youngest in primary, and by far the rowdiest.  He got up, giggled and said "Herwoo!"  And then said "Just teasing!" and then said "I'ya Chil GOD!"  TWICE.  OH well, it could have been worse.  Kevin and I were both red and trying to stifle our giggles and embarrassment.  It's a good thing he didn't know were we were at that point or else he would have got a kick out of our response and been egged on.  Very embarrassing... Michael did pretty good, he said the first two lines of his part without any help then I think the stage fright set in, and he needed a little help,…
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Halloween Costumes

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family, Family Fun, Games, Health Concerns, Holidays, Humor, Kevin, Kevin and I, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Move to Utah, Pictures, The end is near
In the spirit of blogging, and since I'm so picture obsessed, it's only fair, regardless of other circumstances, to share some Halloween snapshots.  Friday was the day we made our final decisions on the job and move, so it was a BIG day in many ways! We went to the ward "Trunk-or-treat," and had a great time. Michael was our "Soccer 'ball' Player"  I got the outfit at the AF DI, on our trip last month, and hoped he'd latch onto the "basketball player" idea, he didn't, after three weeks of 5 different ideas a week, we went to Traders Village, and ran across some soccer balls, he decided he wanted to be a "Soccer 'ball' Player" (the "ball" addition all his own), but when it came down to time…
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Did I save it?

Because of the time of day, and the boys limited attention span, this is as close to sunset as I got.  At first the sky was totally blown out white, and the Temple too dark.  So Did I save the Image?
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ICE or In Case of Emergency

Family, Grief and Loss, Health Concerns, Polls, Pregnancy
OK, I deleted the chain email, but people are doing this "ice" thing, where in your contacts on your cell you put "ice" in front of the names of the people you'd want contacted in case something happened and you weren't able to respond about who to contact. Ice Husband, ice2 Husband desk, ice3 Mom, ice 4 Mom cell, ice 5 MIL, etc... While I was pregnant I was especially concerned about this and put "husband" in front of Kevin's numbers, and "Mom," and "OB/GYN," and "Ped, Dr. ******," etc...  So hopefully if anything had ever happened that they'd be able to contact the right people, and get necessary records, as well as wished doctors for my care.  Thankfully it was never used, but I was happy to know that…
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We’re Moving!

Dreams, Family, Family Fun, Kevin, Life in Texas, Move to Utah
And this isn't just a move down the block! Kevin has a job offer in Sandy Utah, he's taking it, which means we're moving, and that our kids will get to grow up knowing their grandparents and other extended family!!  We're beyond thrilled. Edited to answer a few Questions people are having~ He'll roughly be doing the job that he was doing before we moved to Houston (new company). He's got 12-18 months of school left before his Bachelors (depending on what he takes on each semester), and we're hoping he'll get a promotion once he graduates.  It's nearly impossible to be in his current position without a degree, so we've been very blessed, but we've prayed about it and it's definitely time for a change. Amanda, that was one…
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Picture Tag

Aiden, Family Fun, Games, Pictures
For this tag you are supposed to upload the 4th picture in the 4th file. So, here it is! This is Aiden in our rental van 3 weeks ago, all three boys zonked out by the time we got home from a drive to go see the Temple Sunday night.  It was nice to have that much room, too bad it'll be a while before we get to get our own. Tag to anyone who needs a fresh blog. :)
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