Much better.

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family Fun, Kevin and I, Michael, Pictures
Marissa, my visiting teacher, came over this morning and it was really nice to see her. Pamela moved away this week (Whaaa!!!) I'll miss her so much, but it was fun to see Marissa and her sweet new son (he's even newer than Joey). I worked on my re-designed business cards (BTW getting nowhere with those), and researched Michael's birthday cake and I'm trying to decide if I'm brave enough to do a cake or if it'd be funner to just buy a fun one... When I went and got Michael I decided to go to the zoo again (we went Wednesday with Playgroup), we had a good time, when it came time to go get Kevin he decided to meet us there, so we all got to play at…
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Conference, Girls Night, and The Newest Chef

Church, Michael
Conference was great, I'm so glad I was able to watch and listen. I did get my answers. :) I got my girls night lastnight, it turned out to be just my Relief Society President Margarita, me, and our 8 collective kids including a friend one of her kids had over at their house. I had a really great time and so did my kids. We got there and Aiden made himself right at home, minus his clothes, and rummaging through her cupboards... Silly boy, I was so embarrassed, but it worked out. Today Michael helped me make dinner. He actually did just as much as me. We had pasta shells, alfredo with chicken, meatballs marinara, and garlic bread. He set to work helping me get pots and pans, pour…
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Watching Conference ON TV!

I'm so excited!!!!  I get to watch it on my TV, I've already got it set to record!  I, on a whim tonight, searched the DVR for "General" and sure enough it popped right up!!!  I have a BYU Chanel!  So I don't have to rig my computer, I can just turn on the TV, I can pause and rewind, and watch it 100 times if I want!!!  This is pretty cool!
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Conference and Aiden struggles.

Aiden, Church
It's conference this weekend, and a friend of mine, Kate, mentioned taking a few questions and keeping them in mind as you listen to conference, to look for answers.  So I've been reflecting on that.  I'm challenging anyone who's listening to conference this weekend to bring some questions in your life right now and see if you get a little more out of conference. It's been a hard few days with Aiden.  He's been really pushing the limits and having lot of tantrums.  He's a very trying child, at the moment there isn't a joint from my shoulders to my finger tips that doens't hurt from my daily struggles to keep him safe and to get him into his car seat on our many daily runs to take people to…
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Blessing Vacation

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family Fun, Kevin and I, Michael, Pictures, To new beginnings
This is going to be really long, I told you I'd make up for missing posting... I'll post a link to a gallery with a lot more pictures later. Here's the details of our trip (or everyone else's trip to us), I'm detailing food cause I asked help from some friends and they helped me with menu ideas. Mom Ryan and Jared flew in late Thursday. They were supposed to come about 9, so I kept the kids up. At about 9 my Mom called said they were lost and to send the boys to bed, I got them ready and had to threaten that I wouldn't let them see grandma if they didn't go to bed that instant, and that if they did that they could come out for…
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“I’m glad he’s a brother…”

Baby Joey, Church, Michael
Finally! Michael got all sentimental today while we were playing with Joey, I told Joey (as I do about 1,000 times a day) "I'm so glad you came to our family!" A year ago I wouldn't have ever expected another child, let alone so soon. Michael said "me too, I'm gad Heavenly Father sent him to us." I just smiled at Michael talking like that, then he said, "I'm happy that he's not a sister and that he's a brother." I almost fell over. I've been aching for him a little. Ever since he found out that I was pregnant he's been talking about wanting a sister, then when we found out our baby was a boy, he was so sad because he'd wanted a sister ( I so understand…
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Just trying to catch up…

Aiden, Baby Wearing, Church
Today I was a trying desperately to catch up with several things I've been letting sag lately. For some reason I feel more behind than ever. So is life sometimes, I guess. Tonight for our annual Relief Society Birthday party we had our wards usual service auction. I LOVE this activity. Everyone donates a service or two, and then you bid on it with your points that you count up with things that you've done lately, i.e. visiting teaching, smiling at strangers, doing something kind and unexpected, writing kind notes, you get the picture... I donated a couple things that I had on hand and my talents with photography and photo editing, and I won a cake (don't know what kind yet), a lunch or dinner with a sister, and…
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Relaxed Sunday

Baby Joey, Baby Wearing, Church, Kevin and I, Pictures
We made it to church yesterday! Yay! Though we were a lot late... That was frustrating. We didn't get the laundry into the dryer until around 7:30 (church starts at 9, we'd washed it the night before but forgot to get it in the dryer, and some of our essentials were in there), and then since it was mostly towels it took extra long to dry and we didn't realize this until we went to get everyone dressed at 8:40... We wait till the last possible moment to get the boys dressed so the chance that they dirty their clothes is as slim as possible. It's a 15 minute drive to church, maybe 20... Oh well. I had a really good time. I made the good decision of leaving the…
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Missing Church, Again!

Church, Venting
I'm so frustrated. I mentioned that I'm sick, well this morning I could barely climb out of bed. :( I figured I'd press through and we'd make it to church anyways. Well, Kevin has a nasty head cold this morning too... Aiden was supposed to be in sharing time today, but that's not happening. Sometimes it seem that when you're trying the hardest you get the most resistance. :(
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Dance, sickness and Joey’s fussy.

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Kevin and I, Michael
I'm feeling a bit better, but it's gone from burning sinuses (think pool water up your nose as a kid, always my sign I'm getting sick), down to my throat, it never moves that fast so I'm hoping that means it'll be history by tomorrow night. We had a rough night with Joey lastnight. He decided not only to be awake, but fussy and unhappy from around 1:30 to almost 4:oo AM. He then crashed until the big boys got up, and Daddy took him out to the living room, put him in his swing and he slept happily for a while. Tonight again he's been less than happy about anyhting but being held a certain way and nursing a lot, he's spitting up a lot so I imagine that…
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