My Grandpa, My Parents, and My Brother

Aiden, Church, Family Fun, Grief and Loss, Health Concerns, Me, Memories, Pictures, The end is near, To new beginnings
My 80 somthingish Grandpa broke his hip lastnight and fell, they're not sure what happened first.  He was carrying a BIG watermelon and Grandma seems to think it landed ON him and that's what broke it...  So I guess there's three options.  He was supposed to go into surgery earlier today but it kept getting knocked back.  So I'm not sure what's happened. My parents are currently at a neighborhood/stake (gotta love Utah) meeting concerning a woman in their neighborhood who was badly beaten this week in her home by a door to door magazine salesman, who'd been to my parents home earlier that day.  I'm not sure if it's so much concerning the actual incident, local emotional control, or information to help protect themselves.  The hazy details I have…
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If you read my polls…

Bella and Edward, Blog Changes, Church, Family Fun, Kevin, Life in Texas, Me, Polls, Twilight
That's right.  I'm getting into Twilight. I'm currently where Bella and Edward have come back from the clearing in the forest.  I hope that doesn't give anything away.  Though I'm sure I'm the last one, and either you don't and won't care, or you know exactly what I'm talking about... Kevin's driving the Deaf Branch members to church from our ward today, so the rest of us are stuck at home, so I'm working on some more spiritual activities for the boys, and I think we'll do some more structured lessons and crafts than usual.  We already plan on making cookies and a few other yummy foods.  Sorry Daddy, we'll save you some cookie dough. And WHY am I on West Coast time???  Things have been a little weird around…
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A Legacy Among Women

Adoption, Baby Joey, Church, Grief and Loss, The end is near
I know this wonderful woman, she's kind, and loving and always interested in everyone in the best way, I've never heard an utter of gossip from her.  She's never hesitates to call out to you as you pass her and give kind words, or stop as she drives by your home to chat for a little bit.  She usually has a stunning smile or a compassionate hug.  I can't begin to give this daughter of our Heavenly Father the credit she deserves.  She's a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother, and not just to those in her family tree. This woman is Sister Harrison.  She lives in the ward that my parents and in-laws share and is a wonderful friend to both my Mother and Mother-in-law.…
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Joys of the Internet

Church, Family Fun, Me
OK, I don't think of my self as all that trendy or cutting edge.  I'm a geeks wife, but I'm not pushing any boundaries, I'm just taking this information or technology highway at my own pace.  After all I didn't start my own real blog until just this last December.  By then most bloggers I knew had been doing it for quite some time... I had a myspace a few years ago when it was the big new thing, but then deleted it when there was a lot of hubbub about it being against my church but it just turned out to be specific counsel given by area authorities, mostly towards younger kids that may have gotten in too deep.  Plus there was a bit of yucky advertising.  I signed…
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The Chocolate Bar

Church, Me, Memories
Lastnight for Girls Night Out I wet to a fun little place called The Chocolate Bar.  On one side it was a gourmet chocolate shop, and on the other it serves ice cream and various slices of cake or pie and has a sit down area.  It was so fun to have a girls night with a bunch of friends and get to know several women I didn't know well before.  I'll definitely be going back.  Yum!  I just need to figure out who to go with since Kevin's not a chocolate fan, and I'm not going to even consider what would happen if I took any of my boys.  Yikes!
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Last Day of School & Prayer Request, Please

Church, Family Fun, Michael
Today was Michael's last day of Kindergarten. We decided after talking with Michael's teacher that it would be best to decline summer school. He actually did very well with his grades other than his social grades, which we were fully aware would be a problem. So until 1st grade starts this fall, we're all together all day (other than Daddy who thankfully goes to work to take care of us). We're really looking forwards to this. So, today was a half day, surprise! Somehow, in all of the paperwork that's been sent home, and a reminder call from the school about something else that I hung up on once I realized it was about something I knew about, and very possibly reminded parents it was an early out day, I…
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Enrichment and cookie recipe

Baby Joey, Church, Pictures
We had a wonderful night, I'm really glad I made it. My arms were full of baby, so I didn't get any photo's, so I'll have to find me a substitute mama so that I can use my hands and get these photo's. I made some cookies, I think they were a hit, I took at least 3 dozen and came home with an empty plate. I'm starting to really enjoy baking, now if I could only swing that over to cooking, LOL! Anyone know any yummy cooking shows I can DVR for my quiet time? Kid appropriate, yet kid boring, LOL! That's the only way to get Aiden to take a nap, to watch something that I enjoy but is boring for him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chocolate Drizzle Cookies ~2 German…
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To Do’s and QOTD

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family Fun, Me, Michael
Quote Of The Day (QOTD), well actually yesterday. Yesterday I was looking at flowers with my boys. Whenever we do this Michael asks what this or that is. He pointed to some small flowers that I don't know, that looked very wild. M~ "What kind are these?" I said, "those are wild flowers." Then we went on looking about at the different flowers. Out of the blue, M~ "Are wild flowers for wild people?" Me, giggling like mad cause I know at least a few people heard him, and cause it was SO cute, I gave him a huge hug, and said, "No, Wild Flowers just means that they're a kind of flower that grows by itself in nature or the wild." M~ "Ooooh!" Sometimes it's easy to forget that…
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Michael’s “Texas Cowboy” Birthday Party

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family Fun, Kevin and I, Michael, Pictures
We had Michael's birthday party today. We only invited the kids from his primary class and their families which turned out to be just right. He insisted on a cowboy theme, so that's what we went with. We ended up having six Mama's, just our Dad, and about sixteen kids including our three. Here's a picture of Aiden before the party, longingly looking at the cake, the funny thing is I have one very similar of Michael doing the same with Aiden's 2nd Birthday cake. We had hot dogs, potato salad, macaroni salad, chips, and baked beans. I planned on cutting up fruit but never got to it. Haha! Then we went outside and took a shot at the cowboy hat pinata. Michael has been talking forever about doing a…
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