Bella and Edward in Utah

Aiden, Baby Joey, Bella and Edward, Church, Family, Family Fun, Health Concerns, Humor, Kevin, Kevin and I, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Move to Utah, Twilight
OK, maybe not all together, LOL! Wednesday morning Joseph, Aiden and Michael set out on our trip up to Utah.  We got on our first flight without too much stress (heaven bless whoever invented a good double stroller), and we sat down to get settled on our first flight (that's right, we had a layover) As soon as I was settled a Man came down the isle with a little girl and a wife with a baby girl.  As soon as they sat down the woman started hyperventilating and stressing about a flight with two kids...  Um yeah lady, I had to bite my tongue to not tell her to find 4 more kids, or add a kid and loose the husband, and then complain...  Soon after we took off the husband asked me why I'd fly alone with…
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Halloween Costumes

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family, Family Fun, Games, Health Concerns, Holidays, Humor, Kevin, Kevin and I, Life in Texas, Me, Memories, Michael, Move to Utah, Pictures, The end is near
In the spirit of blogging, and since I'm so picture obsessed, it's only fair, regardless of other circumstances, to share some Halloween snapshots.  Friday was the day we made our final decisions on the job and move, so it was a BIG day in many ways! We went to the ward "Trunk-or-treat," and had a great time. Michael was our "Soccer 'ball' Player"  I got the outfit at the AF DI, on our trip last month, and hoped he'd latch onto the "basketball player" idea, he didn't, after three weeks of 5 different ideas a week, we went to Traders Village, and ran across some soccer balls, he decided he wanted to be a "Soccer 'ball' Player" (the "ball" addition all his own), but when it came down to time…
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We’re Moving!

Dreams, Family, Family Fun, Kevin, Life in Texas, Move to Utah
And this isn't just a move down the block! Kevin has a job offer in Sandy Utah, he's taking it, which means we're moving, and that our kids will get to grow up knowing their grandparents and other extended family!!  We're beyond thrilled. Edited to answer a few Questions people are having~ He'll roughly be doing the job that he was doing before we moved to Houston (new company). He's got 12-18 months of school left before his Bachelors (depending on what he takes on each semester), and we're hoping he'll get a promotion once he graduates.  It's nearly impossible to be in his current position without a degree, so we've been very blessed, but we've prayed about it and it's definitely time for a change. Amanda, that was one…
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Picture Tag

Aiden, Family Fun, Games, Pictures
For this tag you are supposed to upload the 4th picture in the 4th file. So, here it is! This is Aiden in our rental van 3 weeks ago, all three boys zonked out by the time we got home from a drive to go see the Temple Sunday night.  It was nice to have that much room, too bad it'll be a while before we get to get our own. Tag to anyone who needs a fresh blog. :)
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Photo Update!

Aiden, Baby Joey, Family, Family Fun, Humor, Me, Memories, Pictures, Vacation
Wow, a week and a half with no blogging, haha. OK, I've FINALLY got all my images for the last month on my computer and can start processing!!!!  Whooo hooo!!!  It's been a crazy few weeks... So first I've got my two paid sessions to process packaged and delivered, then I can start working on my freebie photo shoots (family portraits, Dallin's Sr. Portraits, a couple from Sam's Endowment night, and the Gilberts), and a few tries for Michael's First grade portrait, and Aiden's 4 year old portrait.  Some other highlights, Nate returning, Sunrise over Mt. Timpanogos, Zoo trips, seeing David and Amanda, hmm what else?  I guess it's a surprise, LOL! A few quick previews before I dive off the net and into these projects~ Do you think she…
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Utah Trip Update

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Family Fun, Health Concerns, Kevin, Kevin and I, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures, Vacation
So, in case that didn't make any sense, I had 5 teeth majority worked on here. Two root canals, and a tooth pulled on Wednesday with a bone graft for a future implant. On Thursday I went back for two more root canals, but once they'd cleared the decay, we realized there wasn't enough left the save the teeth. So those two were pulled as well and I got bone grafts there too. So yeah. I'm in less pain now than before, but still plenty of pain. So, on Tuesday we flew in. We got in at noon and ran to temple square and to get some supplies for my family. By 4 we picked up Nate. That was wonderful! Everyone was filled with joy and excitement to all be…
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Michael’s Quote of the Day, and Nudity in Public.

Aiden, Family Fun, Humor, Me, Memories, Michael
"Pink is for Girls.  Boys aren't supposed to eat pink."  As he wolfs down his pink strawberry cream cheese covered bagel. So I ask him, "If someone had a birthday and had pink cupcakes, wouldn't you eat it?" "Nobody has pink cupcakes!" Oh, and as I checked out at the grocery store this morning, Aiden jumped out of the cart and decided to "Go Potty."  Ugh!  So I struggled to put my card back in my wallet and grab my groceries quickly, to try to catch him in the bathroom, but I was too slow.  Before I could do anything Aiden ran, parading about, out of the bathroom in nothing but his t-shirt!  "I GO POTTY!!!!!"  "Um, yay, go back in the bathroom!" Oh, the joys of mothering boys.
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Digi Scrapping

Aiden, Baby Joey, Digi Scrapping, Family, Family Fun, Me, Memories, Michael, Pictures
Time to blog about something else... Wow, did you know that there's a whole 'nother adiciting digital obsession out there?  I did but I've been advoiding it until now. These are freebie templates associated with kits you can buy and use.  Found on Scrap Matters. Template from "Say it with Bling," credit to WM Squared Designs. Template from "say it with Bling," credit to Jeni Hopewell Designs. Template fron ""Go Fly A Kite" by digi Keepsakes working with Len Escobar.
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