I’m so sick!

Aiden, Baby Joey
It's BAD.  Poor Joey's been in the rocker all day other than nursing or changing, I don't want to breath on him, luckily he's been mostly OK with that arrangement.  I called Kevin this morning begging him to come home, but I guess everyone else decided to take a leisure day today...  So he couldn't, I've just been hoping nothing bad would happen. All I want to do is climb in the shower and wash it all away. Aiden's been a ball of trouble.  For the last almost hour he's been in full tantrum state trying to get some help or reaction from me of some sort, sorry pall, don't even have the energy to do anything but give him dirty looks....  He's been kicking me or hitting me and…
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Disappearing Skittles and We’re Sick, Again…

Baby Joey
Hahaha!  I got up this morning and all the skittles closest to the fridge door had been plucked off...  Uh, thanks Aiden...  So much for some good light pictures this morning as opposed to last nights artificial overhead fluorescents. We're all sick this morning.  I've been coming down with a cold for days, sinus issues, soar throat, cough...  Yesterday I lost my voice.  Yuck.  We went to the Zoo.  Don't go to the Zoo if you can't holler after your kids or even voice level talk... So the plan as of lastnight was me stay home from church, Joey stay home since he's been grouchy and has rattly lungs,  and Aiden stay home since he was getting a bit raspy at bed time.  This morning Kevin woke up with sins…
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Baking a Cake

Family Fun, Michael, Pictures
We're making practice cakes for Michael's birthday. He wants a Cowboy Cake, I thought no big deal, find a cowboy toy, and stick it on top. The Cowboy Drama~ It's amazing to me how hard it is to find a cowboy toy for a reasonable price, in Texas. We went to three stores looking for one. First we went to Big Lots. They have a bunch of fun little pirates and knights, so why not some cowboys? The only Cowboy they had was 4 inches tall and in a big old old west set. Something like $20. Strike One. Then Target. Looked over the whole toy section 3 or 4 times. I was really hoping for a good Indian in the Cupboard style Cowboy, to no avail. They had a…
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The Final Trimester

Aiden, Baby Joey, Michael, The end is near
Jo Jo just turned three months! They've gone by fast, and I don't think they've been "that bad." In fact, in many ways I feel that Motherhood has been easier since he arrived than ever before. I don't know if it's the sweet spirit that he's brought into our home, if I'm more stable or mature, if it's such a relief to not be pregnant that things seem extremely easy, or if it's just that I've resigned to the chaos. It's probably a happy combination of the four. Happiest Baby On The Block suggests that we look at a babies first three months as the 4th trimester. These are the hardest months for a new person as they're still not ready for life outside of the womb in many ways,…
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Taking the plunge, what I like about me.

Kevin and I
Short version, a friend challenged fellow readers to name some things that they like about themselves and blog them. Long version, read post titled by the same name on Jenni and Will's link in my blogroll. I've put it off till now, but now I need a pick-me-up. I love my eyes. I think they're rather pretty and speak a lot about me. Here's a pic of my eyes I did a while ago, a year or more. I honestly thought about this one before I saw Jenni's eye paragraph and pic about her eyes. I'm having a hard time with this, I can think of things I like, but not really things I like about myself. I like my calfs. I know weird. I think considering my overall weight,…
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Depression Stinks

Aiden, Baby Joey, To new beginnings, Venting
In case you haven't been able to tell from my lack of upbeat posts lately I'm struggling a bit lately. I'm just going to copy my post from my private family blog. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Screaming, Crying, and Tired (kids, not just me) It's been a rough week. I don't know why, I'm just tired and down and struggling. There's nothing that's any harder than usual, so I don't know what's up. So please pray for me if you get a chance. Yesterday the bug guys came. They only sprayed the kitchen and main bathroom and said I'd only need to stay out of those areas for two hours, and that I didn't need to leave. I decided to be extra cautious (and safe) and go ahead and leave for the day.…
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“Tank-oo Mommy”

Aiden, Venting
I've quoted Aiden before, but now this is his favorite phrase.  Especially when he's been a huge stink.  Once I get him calmed down and to act rationally he always says "Tank-oo Mommy" with a sheepish side glance. I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing.  It may be a bad thing since it means that he knows he's out of control and is being manipulative, or it may be a good thing because he's sincerely grateful to me for helping him get back on the ground without getting too grumpy in the meantime.  Maybe it's some of each. I just want the out of control tantrums to end.
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My Wonderful Husband

Kevin and I
I think Kevin has forgotten how incredible I think he is. He's being hard on himself right now, that happens sometimes, but I think he's awesome anyways. It takes an awesome kind of man to have put up with my faults all of these years. During pregnancy I can't do dishes. It's BAD. During each of my pregnancies he's completely taken care of them. Even when I haven't been pregnant it's my least favorite chore and he's usually taken over them rather than waiting around for me to do them. A year ago, right before getting pregnant with Joey I'd made a personal goal to do more dishes so that that mantle woudn't fall squarely on Kevin's shoulders, I started doing at least one batch a day and he breathed…
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