Kevin’s Models

Kevin and I, Pictures
Here are some pics of Kevin's hobby. He's hand painted all of these and has been quite enjoying getting into it. From Kevin: These are Models from the Games Workshop tabletop game Warhammer:40,000 I am collecting and painting Space Marines and I've built and painted 21 so far and have a bunch more to finish. I started this in December and have been enjoying myself a lot. It takes a lot of concentration, but it is, in many ways so rewarding and relaxing to paint and finish these models. Currently, I'm just painting the models rather than playing the game. Once I have enough, then maybe I'll play, but honestly, I'm doing it more for the painting. I'll give some captions for the pictures below, and hopefully they make some…
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Relaxed Sunday

Baby Joey, Baby Wearing, Church, Kevin and I, Pictures
We made it to church yesterday! Yay! Though we were a lot late... That was frustrating. We didn't get the laundry into the dryer until around 7:30 (church starts at 9, we'd washed it the night before but forgot to get it in the dryer, and some of our essentials were in there), and then since it was mostly towels it took extra long to dry and we didn't realize this until we went to get everyone dressed at 8:40... We wait till the last possible moment to get the boys dressed so the chance that they dirty their clothes is as slim as possible. It's a 15 minute drive to church, maybe 20... Oh well. I had a really good time. I made the good decision of leaving the…
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Spring is in the air!!!

Aiden, Baby Joey, Kevin and I, Michael
It's March and I'm so ready for spring. I got Michael and Aiden flip flops, and Aiden and Joey Sunglasses, (2/$5 at The Children's Place) it's fun to get some fun summer stuff! I'm just so ready for it to be spring! This morning we went to Sophia's son's first birthday party and it was so fun to see them, they had the cutest ducky theme. He had a bath tub cake, and a lot of fun toys for the kids. Afterwards was Kevin's last modeling class of the set he's been taking at Games Workshop in Rice Village, and since the rodeo is making traffic near home a nightmare, I decided to take the boys and stick around Rice Village, which is a kinda ritzy shopping center spanning roughly…
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Happy Leap Year! and Kiddo Tag!

Aiden, Baby Joey, Dreams, Games, Holidays, Kevin and I, Michael
This is my 6th leap year, it's so fun! I feel the need to do something special. and it's a Friday too!!! Whoo hoo! This morning I got up and for once I wasn't dragging, don't know why, maybe we slept better lastnight, or I just had a surprisingly happy morning. Usually mornings consist of me wishing it wouldn't come yet, and then dreading the morning routine (taking Michael and Kevin to school and work, and then getting the boys back in if I don't run errands on the way home). I just have a really rough time with mornings... I have very vivid dreams. Very. Lastnight I dreamed that we were buying a house. Not just any house. This house had about 8 bedrooms, almost all of which had…
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Warning: KFC’s Double Chocolate Chip Cake

Aiden, Baby Joey, Kevin and I, Michael
This thing is yummy! (link) Today we went to KFC for a late lunch. We'd missed lunch before we got Michael and we needed to go get Kevin about 45 minutes after getting Michael so we had about a half hour to kill. In the drive through Michael noticed the cake on the board, and asked for one, I wanted some too so I decided to get two thinking that Kevin and I could share one and Aiden and Mike could share the other. At almost $2 a pop I thought hey, that's a bit steep, but it's fun to get a fun treat occasionally, about the same as a slice of cheesecake right? Well, I pulled up handed the girl my card, she ran it, and then she handed…
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Dance, sickness and Joey’s fussy.

Aiden, Baby Joey, Church, Kevin and I, Michael
I'm feeling a bit better, but it's gone from burning sinuses (think pool water up your nose as a kid, always my sign I'm getting sick), down to my throat, it never moves that fast so I'm hoping that means it'll be history by tomorrow night. We had a rough night with Joey lastnight. He decided not only to be awake, but fussy and unhappy from around 1:30 to almost 4:oo AM. He then crashed until the big boys got up, and Daddy took him out to the living room, put him in his swing and he slept happily for a while. Tonight again he's been less than happy about anyhting but being held a certain way and nursing a lot, he's spitting up a lot so I imagine that…
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Paint, Daddy baby wears, and more rose pics.

Aiden, Baby Joey, Baby Wearing, Kevin and I, Michael, Pictures
Lastnight while I arranged my flowers, Kevin painted some figures and the boys played at the table doing homework and coloring. Joey got fussy so Kevin went to get him. Kevin had him balanced on his lap in a uncomfortable looking way, so I went and got the Snugli for them to use. It was the first time in this carrier for Joey and I think he really liked it. Well other than this photo, hahaha. Maybe he was worried Daddy was going to paint him. And here's the photo's of my flowers arranged. The vase that the red roses are in is one I already had from the last time Kevin got me flowers, and the big one Kevin got me yesterday. That arrangement is almost as big as…
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Deer in the headlights and a jaw drop!

Kevin and I, Pictures
That's what I looked like when Kevin came in from errands today. I told him not to get me flowers for Valentines Day, I think they're overpriced and less than stellar quality on that day. He still felt bad even though he'd gotten me another gift, and apologized when I picked him up that he hadn't gotten me flowers and a card, but I was 100% fine with that. I'd rather have some sporadic and not even expected surprise gift of flowers, than on a day when it's kinda typical from a lot of spouses. This afternoon he showed up with these...             4 dozen very long stem roses! Wowowzza! Just because! They're gorgeous and they smell SOOO good, I wish I could share the…
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